Monday 7 November 2011



Every person who lives in this world or universe has a faith and religion. Religion is an essentials part of every person. Islam is a complete code of life and a universal and everlasting religion. Islam does not create by any man or other gods it producing by Allah and Allah is its guard. It is a complete code of life. Islam helps our in every part of life there is why it is universal and everlasting. It gives us guidance in every field of life. Islam spread in every country of the world. Islam gives every person some rights. In al over the world Islam play a vital role in the progress of the man and their country. Religion or faith is necessary for every person. There are many religions in the world.
All countries have different religions in a country there are many religions. Every person has different religions as Islam is a universal religion it spreads al over the world that is why it universal in character and everlasting.
According to a history there are two main religions in the universe one is Islam and second is Hindus. As we know God sends His prophets to the savage’s people for their betterment. Before Islam people lived like animals. They were hunters and fishers. They make their clothes or dress by the skin of the animals. Islam gave those principles and leadership to live civilized life because there were no laws and principles for their welfare. Before Islam man lives like animals they have no culture no heritage and history. They do not tame animals accept dog. They were totally hunters and fishers. They live in the caves for shelter in the winter and rains. But when prophet of Allah Hazrat Muhammad came for the betterment of humanity people left their old ways of living and became a civilized people. As the Islam is a universal code of life. Religion is necessary for every person because no religion means any life. According Allam Iqbal religion is the essential part of the life of every person as he is Muslim or belongs to any other religion. In Islam religion should keep first every thing of the world come latter because in Islam we see the every part of life and Islam gives us guidance in our life. There are many religions in the world. But it is admitted by the whole world and all the religions that Islam is a complete code of life given by Allah to the true prophet Hazrat Muhammadpbuh. We all know that Muhammad [saw ] is the last prophet of Allah and Islam is the last religion and everlasting.     
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