Monday 10 October 2011


Man is a social animal. Living in a society he faces many problems. Different societies have different problems. But some curses have gripped all the societies of the world. There is no denying the fact that corruption is a world wide problem. It is one greatest problem of our country and also the whole world. It is one of the greatest social, political and economic and moral problems. This problem has reached an alarming stage for the last years. Now it has become a danger for our safety. It has paralyzing our society very quickly. But its intensity in our country has greatly increased. We are perhaps the worst victoms of this evil. It is one of the greatest social, political and moral problems. In Pakistan corruption has greatly developed. All our great leaders and officers in every field are mostly corrupt that’s why corruption is deep rooted in our society. It is dangerous for our society and also our country. The main cause of  unrest and farness in Pakistan is corruption because some corrupt officers and politicians society with their bad hands and minds their think only how can they make money more have destroyed our and more.
Some main causes of spreading corruption are given below...
·        The main cause of spreading corruption is our defective administrative system of our country. Our high ups behave so non serious in important matters that’s results in untold troubles.
·        It is the duty of the government to check evil result of it but nothing is being done to control these evils. In Pakistan corruption has increased very quickly.
·        The literacy rate of the country count a lot but unfortunately it is a bitter fact that most of the people of our country are illiterate.
·        The co-operation of the public with government counts a lot in such problems but it is a bitter fact that our public is not serious to co-operate with government.
Some suitable steps should take to eradicate this evil from our society. These are given below. If we take these steps we can eradicate this evil.
·        The administrative system of our country should strength because only strong and powerful government can solve this matter amicably.
·        The literacy rate of our country should improve so that only educated people can solve this problem seriously.
·        The co-operation between the public and government should create. At last the main thing to save our society is that we should take help of Islam to control this evil. As Islam is a universal religion and a complete code of life so help of Islam should taken to eradicate this evil in a better way.   

Written by Sultan Jandran M.A English Cell Number 03428597416
Composed by Sarwar Ahmed M.S.C Physics and Cell Number is 03144210152











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