Sunday 9 October 2011


Interchange of daughters is a very bad custom in our society. I thought this custom means to sale their daughters at the name of interchange. It is a very bad custom. We do not know that we gripped our daughters or sisters in the chains of slavery by doing this bad curse. In the custom of interchange if one our daughter or sister is worried about her husband or any other thing of her husband houses it is totally conformed that the other who has given to the place of the first bears its effects by her husband or her house. This bad custom has gripped all the societies of the world. I thought a number of divorces are happen due to this curse. This world wide sad custom has sapped all the blood from our veins or our body. I thought this custom should completely end now. If we see our society happy and pleasant we should crushed this sad custom. When this custom would completely finished it is good for our society and if it would not finished it means the destruction of our society, country, and also the whole world. I wish that this custom would completely finish. I feel we take our daughters, sisters and other girls or relatives to the alternation place at the name of interchange. According to a press report above 35/. Unpleasant incident were happened through this custom. Hats why it needs to be tackled this custom immediately. I say this custom and sad evil and curse because it destroys our society and country faster and faster. When an unpleasant incident happens due to interchange it creates a number of problems and disputes and wars among the two brothers, sisters, and nations. It results in untold troubles and pains if an unpleasant incident would not covered amicably it result in murders and untold losses. According to some uneducated people this custom has many benefits but i would not agree with them because i know this custom is not good for every father, brother, and nation. We should crush this evil immediately. I think give and take of daughters is a curse. Parents should take suitable steps for their children’s future. Give and take custom is an old custom and it recognized by our old parents as their order to their new generation. Modern age should take some changes in their present age and make this age a peaceful and powerful age or country. There are some old customs in our society it need to tackled out these old evils with out any tension and any power who should come to the way of stop or control these evils. Pakistan is an Islamic country. I think that today’s give and take of daughters improved as a curse of our society and country. We send our daughters and sisters to the alternation place at the name interchange. We destroyed our daughters and sisters by this bad custom of this time. We know that in our society we would not take any opinion of our daughters and sisters about their personal life as it is their own life. At the end i suggestion that we should completely finished this custom of interchange from our society so that we would destroyed the life’s our daughters and sisters at the name of interchange. I request the parents to think and save their daughters and sisters by finish the custom of interchange or give and take of daughters and sisters.                                 

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